Friday, 26 April 2013

Year 9 Food Technology Calzone Masterchef Challenge!

Ms Stubbs year 9 Food Technology class competed in pairs against other teams to create the most appealing Calzone. They learnt about yeast and the ideal conditions for it to grow and how it worked to aerate products. Yeast is a living organism that when given food (sugar), moisture, warmth and time will reproduce and in doing so release carbon dioxide gas that will leaven (rise) and aerate bread type products. A Calzone is a yeast based pizza pocket that contains a delicious filling such as the one students made in class yesterday. It contained salami, basil, tomato, mushrooms, onion, garlic, capsicum and tomato. Cooked and cooled and then folded into their yeast dough. Bake and then?
The result a half moon pizza pocket (see below!).

The winners of the challenge were:
Josh R & Stavros
Mel & Kyle
Jack & Matilda
Steph & Nicole

Well done teams!

Your meal planning activity is coming up soon! This will be your next challenge!

Ms Stubbs :)